Art of the Garden Sale & Exhibition

Artists created these works which were for sale through July 15. By clicking on the image you can see the artwork much larger. Click further to see the inspiration for the work as well as the artist him/herself. We hope you enjoy the show and thank you for your patronage.

Congratulations to Delores Ladd who, because of your votes, won nomination for The People’s Choice award.

People’s Choice Award

The votes have been tallied and you have chosen Delores Ladd as the 2020 winner of The People’s Choice award for her work ‘Wildflower Salad’. Congratulations Delores!

Delores Ladd

Wildflower Salad

Nr. 4996

Judith Bennett

Title: Water Lilies – Diptych by Design
Size: 24" x 36"
Media: Acrylic and collage on canvas
Location: The Denver Botanic Gardens in Colorado

Nr.: 5815
Judith Bennett

Title: Only in Paradise – Warmed Up
Size: 22" x 12"
Media: Acrylic and collage on board
Location: Inspired by a photo of Bird of Paradise

Nr.: 5819
Judith Bennett

Title: Only in Paradise – A Closer Look
Size: 16" x 12"
Media: Acrylic and collage on board
Location: Inspired by a photo of Bird of Paradise

Nr.: 5820
Marci Joy Berry

Title: Yellow Lily
Size: 22" x 15"
Media: Acrylic on 300lb (heavyweight) watercolor paper
Location: Maple City, MI

Nr.: 5226
Marci Joy Berry

Title: The Best of Spring
Size: 22" x 15"
Media: Acrylic on 300lb (heavyweight) watercolor paper
Location: Maple City, MI

Nr.: 5195
Marci Joy Berry

Title: Stargazer Lily
Size: 22" x 15"
Media: Acrylic on 300lb (heavyweight) watercolor paper
Location: Maple City, MI

Nr.: 5221
Janis Bond

Title: Flower Alphabet
Size: 20" x 16"
Media: Watercolor and ink
Location: _

Nr.: 5196
Janis Bond

Title: Hollyhock
Size: 14" x 11"
Media: Watercolor and ink
Location: _

Nr.: 5677
Janis Bond

Title: Hollyhocks
Size: 7" x 5"
Media: Watercolor and ink
Location: Artist's garden

Nr.: 5678
Sue Bowerman

Title: If Flowers Could Talk
Size: 10" x 20"
Media: Oil on canvas
Location: Old Mission Peninsula

Nr.: 5220
Sue Bowerman

Title: Bee's View
Size: 12" x 12"
Media: Oil on canvas
Location: Cherry Orchard

Nr.: 4859
Sue Bowerman

Title: June's Gems
Size: 20" x 16"
Media: Oil on linen panel
Location: Vintage Farm Garden

Nr.: 5219
Linda Boyle

Title: Metal Flower Box
Size: 8" x 8"
Media: Oil on wood canvas
Location: Minds Eye

Nr.: 4991
Linda Boyle

Title: Floral Bouquet
Size: 20" x 16"
Media: Oil, cold wax on stretched canvas
Location: Home cut garden flower arrangement

Nr.: 4994
Linda Boyle

Title: Signs of Spring
Size: 10" x 20"
Media: Oil on board canvas
Location: Southern Michigan open field

Nr.: 4993
Brenda Clark

Title: I See You Poppy!
Size: 11 1/2” x 7 1/2” (variation in edge size)
Media: Acrylic on repurposed cheerio box cardboard
Location: Artist's garden, Leland, MI

Nr.: 5657
Brenda Clark

Title: Iris Calm Before the Storm
Size: 21 1/2” x 18”
Media: Acrylic on arches paper
Location: Artist's garden, Leland, MI

Nr.: 5109
Brenda Clark

Title: Iris’s Friend
Size: 11 1/2” x 7 1/2”
Media: Acrylic on repurposed Cheerio box cardboard
Location: Artist's garden, Leland, MI

Nr.: 5658
Wendy Pasarelli Cleworth

Title: Trillium in Three Acts: 1
Size: 7 5/8" x 7 /8" (matted: 13 1/4" x 13 7/8")
Media: Watercolor on coldpress
Location: Leelanau County, MI

Nr.: 5461
Wendy Pasarelli Cleworth

Title: Trillium in Three Acts: 2
Size: 12 1/2"x 7 1/2" (matted 16" x 18 3/4")
Media: Watercolor on coldpress
Location: Leelanau County, MI

Nr.: 5459
Wendy Pasarelli Cleworth

Title: Trillium in Three Acts: 3
Size: 10 3/4" x 13 3/8" (matted: 17 7/8" x 12 7/8")
Media: Watercolor on coldpress
Location: Leelanau County, MI

Nr.: 5457
Cheryl Correll

Title: Il Giardina La Romita
Size: 21.5" x 29.5"
Media: Mixed watercolor media
Location: Italy

Nr.: 5423
Cheryl Correll

Title: In Search of My Mothers Garden I Found My Own
Size: 21.5" x 30"
Media: Mixed watercolor media
Location: Artist's studio, Lake Ann, MI

Nr.: 5671
Cheryl Correll

Title: Flower Field
Size: 14" x 15"
Media: Mixed watercolor media
Location: Artist's studio, Lake Ann, MI

Nr.: 5674
Carolyn Damstra

Title: A New Day
Size: 11" x 14"
Media: Acrylic on stretched canvas
Location: Williamston, MI

Nr.: 5453
Carolyn Damstra

Title: June Blooms
Size: 12" x 16"
Media: Acrylic on stretched canvas
Location: Williamston, MI

Nr.: 5426
Carolyn Damstra

Title: Peony Battle
Size: 24" x 30"
Media: Acrylic on stretched canvas
Location: Okemos, Michigan

Nr.: 5451
Rebecca Deneau

Title: Garden Gathering

Linda Dewey

Title: Summer Solstice at the Iris Farm
Size: 18" x 34"
Media: Pastel
Location: Iris Farm on M-72, Leelanau County

Nr.: 5474
Linda Dewey

Title: My Sister's Garden
Size: 24" x 18"
Media: Pastel
Location: Sleeping Bear Bay

Nr.: 5475
Linda Dewey

Title: Twilight at the Iris Farm
Size: 8" x 10"
Media: Pastel
Location: Iris Farm on M-72, Leelanau County

Nr.: 5429
Ellen Doyle

Title: Little Trillium
Size: 8" x 8"
Media: Acrylic on stretched canvas
Location: Grosse Pointe Farms, MI

Nr.: 5192
Ellen Doyle

Title: Little Bed of Roses
Size: 10" x 10"
Media: Acrylic on canvas
Location: Grosse Pointe Farms, MI

Nr.: 5448
Ellen Doyle

Title: Tulips
Size: 9" x 12"
Media: Acrylic on canvas
Location: Grosse Pointe Farms, MI

Nr.: 5444
Kay Doyle

Title: Fading Glory
Size: 20" x 20"
Media: Acrylic
Location: -

Nr.: 5194
Kay Doyle

Title: Summer Bouquet
Size: 20" x 20"
Media: Acrylic, pastel
Location: -

Nr.: 5767
Kay Doyle

Title: From the Porch
Size: 24" x 24"
Media: Acrylic
Location: -

Nr.: 5766
Catherine Dunn

Title: Houdek Dunes Lady Slippers
Size: 16" x 16"
Media: Oil on board
Location: Houdek Dunes

Nr.: 4861
Denise Dunn

Title: Carol’s Columbine
Size: 14" x 11"
Media: Acrylic on gessoed watercolor paper
Location: Cedar, MI

Nr.: 5506
Martha Elchert

Title: Garden Apartments
Size: 12" x 9"
Media: Watercolor
Location: Traverse City, MI

Nr.: 5477
Martha Elchert

Title: Iris Farm
Size: 9" x 12"
Media: Watercolor
Location: Traverse City, MI

Nr.: 4862
Martha Elchert

Title: Lavender Farm
Size: 12" x 9"
Media: Watercolor
Location: Lake Leelanau, MI

Nr.: 5479
Hank Feeley

Title: The Horticulturist
Size: 22" x 30"
Media: Watercolor
Location: Glen Arbor, MI

Nr.: 4989
Hank Feeley

Title: Fragrante Elegante
Size: 44" x 56"
Media: Oil on canvas
Location: Glen Arbor, MI

Nr.: 4990
Hank Feeley

Title: Poppys
Size: 16" x 12"
Media: Oil on canvas
Location: Glen Arbor, MI

Nr.: 4984
Lori Feldpausch

Title: Lemon and Purple Lilacs
Size: 12" x 16"
Media: Oil on Linen
Location: Artist's studio, Traverse City, MI

Nr.: 5480
Lori Feldpausch

Title: Yellow and Pink Roses
Size: 12" x 16"
Media: Oil on Linen
Location: Artist's studio, Traverse City, MI

Nr.: 5482
Lori Feldpausch

Title: Red Peonies
Size: 14" x 18"
Media: Oil on Linen
Location: Artist's studio, Traverse City, MI

Nr.: 5481
Maia Hausler

Title: Sensitive Fern
Size: 10" x 8"
Media: Pen and watercolor on cold press paper

Nr.: 4855
Maia Hausler

Title: Marsh Marigold
Size: 10" x 8"
Media: Pen and watercolor on cold press paper

Nr.: 4856
Maia Hausler

Title: Tulip Time
Size: 12" x 9"
Media: Pen and watercolor on cold press paper

Nr.: 4857
Elenora Hayes

Title: Walk Through the Garden
Size: 11" x 14"
Media: Acrylic on canvas
Location: Leelanau County, MI

Nr.: 4863
Elenora Hayes

Title: Daffodils
Size: 12" x 9"
Media: Acrylic on canvas
Location: Leelanau County, MI

Nr.: 5123
Elenora Hayes

Title: Garden Melody
Size: 12" x 24"
Media: Acrylic on canvas
Location: Leelanau County, MI

Nr.: 5124
Christina Haylett

Title: June 11, 2020
Size: 9.5" x 12"
Media: Acrylic paint markers on paper
Location: Cranberry Lake Farm, Oakland Township, MI

Nr.: 4980
Christina Haylett

Title: Glenn and Nichole's Garden
Size: 10" x 12"
Media: Acrylic paint markers on paper
Location: Glenn and Nichole's home in Shelby Township, MI

Nr.: 4981
Christina Haylett

Title: Ghost Garden
Size: 12" x 12"
Media: Acrylic paint on cradled board
Location: Cranberry Lake Farm, Oakland Township, MI

Nr.: 4982
Joan Hook

Title: Hidden
Size: 12" x 9"
Media: Acrylic on canvas board
Location: Artist's garden, Maple City, MI

Nr.: 5222
Joan Hook

Title: Spring Joy
Size: 16" x 12"
Media: Acrylic on canvas
Location: Artist's garden, Maple City, MI

Nr.: 5224
Joan Hook

Title: Spring Favorite
Size: 10" x 8"
Media: Acrylic on canvas
Location: Artist's garden, Maple City, MI

Nr.: 5223
Debra Howard

Title: Traverse Bay Poppies
Size: 12" x 9"
Media: Oil on gessoed board
Location: Omena, MI

Nr.: 5419
Debra Howard

Title: Autumn Garden
Size: 12" x 9"
Media: Oil on gessoed board
Location: Northport, MI

Nr.: 5483
Debra Howard

Title: Leelanau Hollyhocks
Size: 12" x 24"
Media: Oil on gessoed board
Location: Omena, MI

Nr.: 5485
Michelle Jahraus

Title: Good to Stay Home
Size: 9" x 12" (2" deep)
Media: Open acrylic on cradled gesso board
Location: 2nd Street

Nr.: 5430
Linda Keller

Title: April
Size: 20" x 16"
Media: Acrylic
Location: Artist's studio

Nr.: 5435
Judy Kelly

Title: Peony Passions
Size: 12" x 12"
Media: Oil on canvas
Location: Bay City, MI

Nr.: 4864
Judy Kelly

Title: Lucky Koi
Size: 10" x 8"
Media: Oil on canvas panel
Location: Ohahu, Hawaii

Nr.: 5487
Judy Kelly

Title: Fields of Gold
Size: 8" x 10"
Media: Oil on canvas panel
Location: Suttons Bay, MI

Nr.: 5486
Ruth Kitchen

Title: Lakeside Hollyhocks
Size: 12" x 16"
Media: Oil on linen
Location: Traverse City, MI

Nr.: 5440
Ruth Kitchen

Title: Spring Blooms
Size: 8" x 10" (framed with mat 15" x 19")
Media: Gouache
Location: Traverse City, MI

Nr.: 4865
Ruth Kitchen

Title: So Many Irises
Size: 18" x 24" (framed with mat 25" x 31")
Media: Oil on canvas
Location: Traverse City, MI

Nr.: 5438
Rick Koehler

Title: Mother Nature
Size: 8" x 10"
Media: Oil on canvas
Location: Leland, MI

Nr.: 5240
Rick Koehler

Title: The Garden
Size: 12" x 12"
Media: Oil on canvas
Location: Leland, MI

Nr.: 4866
Rick Koehler

Title: One Wish
Size: 11" x 14"
Media: Oil on canvas
Location: Leland, MI

Nr.: 5244
Richard Kooyman

Title: Dune Garden
Size: 18" x 24"
Media: Oil on canvas

Nr.: 5255
Richard Kooyman

Title: New Spring Day
Size: 48" x 60"
Media: Oil on canvas

Nr.: 5254
Richard Kooyman

Title: Beach Garden
Size: 18" x 24"
Media: Oil on canvas

Nr.: 5191
People’s Choice Award
Delores Ladd

Title: Wildflower Salad
Size: 14" x 11"
Media: Pastels on sanded Uart paper
Location: Artist's wildflower garden, Traverse City, MI

Nr.: 4996
Debbie Orthner Lamson

Title: Still Life of Flowers
Size: 30" x 30"
Media: Acrylic on canvas
Location: Artist's studio

Nr.: 5797
Debbie Orthner Lamson

Title: Poppies Forever
Size: 12" x 24"
Media: Acrylic on canvas
Location: Artist's studio

Nr.: 5796
Martha Leugers-Encherman

Title: Jazz @ OAB
Size: 20" x 20"
Media: Acrylic on canvas
Location: Old Art Building, Leland, MI

Nr.: 5490
Martha Leugers-Encherman

Title: Iris Farm
Size: 20" x 20"
Media: Mixed media (oil, acrylic) on canvas
Location: Cedar, MI

Nr.: 5488
Martha Leugers-Encherman

Title: Lavender Hills
Size: 24" x 30"
Media: Acrylic on canvas
Location: Terrazza di Lavanda

Nr.: 5489
Kris Love

Title: Lavender and Irises
Size: 10.5" X 48"
Media: Oil on panel
Location: Leelanau County, MI

Nr.: 4873
Wendy McWhorter

Title: Gladiolus
Size: 8" x 8"
Media: Oil
Location: Artist's studio

Nr.: 5492
Wendy McWhorter

Title: Peonies on the Porch
Size: 14" x 11"
Media: Oil
Location: Artist's porch

Nr.: 5111
Wendy McWhorter

Title: Flower and Bird song
Size: 14" x 11"
Media: Oil
Location: Artist's studio

Nr.: 5493
Sally Neal

Title: My magick garden
Size: 24" x 30"
Media: Acrylic
Location: _

Nr.: 4853
Sally Neal

Title: My magick garden II
Size: 24" x 30"
Media: Acrylic
Location: _

Nr.: 4854
Sally Neal

Title: Blackballed
Size: 18" x 24"
Media: Acrylic
Location: _

Nr.: 4852
Karin Nelson

Title: Meet You in the Orchard
Size: 36" x 48"
Media: Acrylic on canvas
Location: Mission Peninsula

Nr.: 4874
Karin Nelson

Title: Mission Peninsula 3
Size: 48" x 48"
Media: Acrylic on canvas
Location: Mission Peninsula

Nr.: 5127
Karin Nelson

Title: Red Tulip
Size: 20" x 16"
Media: Acrylic on canvas
Location: Holland, MI

Nr.: 5126
Paul Olsen

Title: Spring Trillium
Size: 20" x 20"
Media: Oil on canvas
Location: Artist's mother's garden, Maple City, MI

Nr.: 5494
Paul Olsen

Title: Early Yellow Iris
Size: 16" x 20"
Media: Oil on panel
Location: Artist's mother's garden, Maple City, MI

Nr.: 5495
Paul Olsen

Title: Wood Lily on the Dunes
Size: 16" x 12"
Media: Oil on panel
Location: Pyramid Point

Nr.: 5422
Charles Passarelli

Title: All Roses Are Not Red
Size: 25" x 12"
Media: Watercolor
Location: Still life

Nr.: 4986
Charles Passarelli

Title: Iris
Size: 10" x 10"
Media: Watercolor
Location: Still life

Nr.: 4987
Charles Passarelli

Title: Flower Fusion
Size: 27" x 20"
Media: Acrylic
Location: Still life

Nr.: 4988
Amy Radford

Title: Flutterby
Size: 12" x 12"
Media: Acrylic on canvas
Location: Artist's garden

Nr.: 5428
Amy Radford

Title: Garden Angel
Size: 20" x 16"
Media: Acrylic on canvas
Location: Artist's garden

Nr.: 5502
Marilyn Rebant

Title: Frankenmuth Garden
Size: 11" x 14"
Media: Oil
Location: (framing available)

Nr.: 5431
Barbara Reich

Title: Peonies Abstracted
Size: 12" x 9"
Media: Pastel on UArt sanded paper
Location: Leelanau Peninsula

Nr.: 5264
Barbara Reich

Title: Sunflower Dance
Size: 11" x 14"
Media: Pastel on Ampersand pastelbord
Location: Gladwin Farm

Nr.: 5265
Barbara Reich

Title: VanHoosen Fence and Flowers
Size: 8" x 10"
Media: Pastel on sanded paper
Location: Rochester Hills, MI

Nr.: 5227
Jen Reid

Title: Iris Farm
Size: 8' x 10" (matted to 11" x 14")
Media: Digitally rebuilt photograph, printed on watercolor photography paper
Location: E. Traverse Hwy., Traverse City, MI

Nr.: 5424
Angela Saxon

Title: Poppy VII
Size: 10.25” x 7.5”
Media: Monotype
Location: My garden

Nr.: 5857
Melissa Smith

Title: Wild Roses
Size: 12" x 12"
Media: Acrylic on canvas set in white frame
Location: Traverse City, MI

Nr.: 5418
Melissa Smith

Title: Ragged Beauty
Size: 16" x 20"
Media: Acrylic on canvas set in white frame
Location: Traverse City, MI

Nr.: 5500
Melissa Smith

Title: Turn to the Sun
Size: 16" x 40"
Media: Acrylic on canvas set in white frame
Location: Traverse City, MI

Nr.: 5501
Kathie Snedeker

Title: Milkweed Flowers on the Beach
Size: 8" x 12"
Media: Oil and oil pastels, on artist's photograph, on wood
Location: Gills Pier Beach, Northport

Nr.: 5777
Kathie Snedeker

Title: Rose Forever
Size: 8" x 8"
Media: Oil pastels on artist's photograph on canvas
Location: Village Green, Leland

Nr.: 5778
Kathie Snedeker

Title: Carnation
Size: 12" x 12"
Media: Oil pastels on artist's photograph, on canvas
Location: Artist's home, Leland, MI

Nr.: 5776
Karin Springer

Title: Floral Abundance I
Size: 36" x 24"
Media: Water mixable oil paint

Nr.: 4869
Karin Springer

Title: Floral Abundance II
Size: 36" x 24"
Media: Water mixable oil paint

Nr.: 4868
Gretchen Sprout

Title: Springtime
Size: 11" x 8" (matted 14" x 11")
Media: Watercolor
Location: Leland, MI

Nr.: 5436
Linda Sprout

Title: Fall Foliage
Size: 10" x 10"
Media: Monotype
Location: Old Art Building, Leland, MI

Nr.: 5434
Linda Sprout

Title: Radishes
Size: 10" x 12"
Media: Oil

Nr.: 5499
Maria Tucker

Title: Old Mission Garden
Size: 8.5" x 10.75"
Media: Watercolor
Location: Traverse City, MI

Nr.: 4858
Trudy Underhill

Title: Two Blue Pots
Size: 12" x 12"
Media: Acrylic collage

Nr.: 4849
Trudy Underhill

Title: In the Pink
Size: 11" x 11"
Media: Acrylic collage

Nr.: 4851
Trudy Underhill

Title: Yellow Runner
Size: 11" x 14"
Media: Acrylic

Nr.: 4850
Judy Walter

Title: Barn in Bloom
Size: 18" x 18"
Media: Pastel
Location: M-204 field of sunflowers

Nr.: 4995
David Westerfield

Title: Just picked
Size: 24" x 18"
Media: Oil on canvas panel

Nr.: 4871
Michelle White

Title: Backyard Babes
Size: 6" x 8"
Media: Watercolor

Nr.: 5497
Michelle White

Title: Party Girls
Size: 8" x 6"
Media: Watercolor

Nr.: 5498
Michelle White

Title: Party at the Lake
Size: 6" x 8"
Media: Watercolor

Nr.: 5193
Sharon Will

Title: Entrance of Roses
Size: 8" x 10"
Media: Oil on canvas board
Location: Van Hoosen Farm, Rochester Hills, MI

Nr.: 4845
Sharon Will

Title: Coveyou Farm Blooms
Size: 9" x 12"
Media: Oil on canvas panel
Location: Coveyou Scenic Farm, Petoskey, MI

Nr.: 4847
Sharon Will

Title: Mandevilla Study
Size: 12" x 9"
Media: Oil on canvas panel
Location: A Garden Walk in Troy, MI

Nr.: 4846
Sally Wille

Title: Make Wine
Size: 7" x 7" (11" x 11" framed)
Media: Watercolor
Location: Leelanau County, MI

Nr.: 5212
Sally Wille

Title: Flower Shop
Size: 10" x 8" (15" x 13" framed)
Media: Watercolor and gouache
Location: Paris, France

Nr.: 5213
Sally Wille

Title: Puffs of Spring
Size: 22" x 34" (30" x43" framed)
Media: Watercolor and gouache
Location: County Road 669, Leelanau County, MI

Nr.: 4997

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